
Some of our neighbors may have difficulty getting to the library, so we go to them. WCPL Outreach takes the library on the road.
Outreach Services for Adults
Our outreach program serves nursing homes, rest homes, senior centers and assisted living facilities in Washington County.
Instead of each person “checking out” items from the library, Pattie, our Outreach Coordinator, delivers new boxes to each facility every month for the residents to share. The boxes are hand-picked based on what the residents like best.
Outreach Services for Children
Our outreach program serves licensed daycare, preschool, and child care providers throughout Washington County.
We also provide materials that promote literacy for facilities that offer after-school programs.
Pattie picks out and delivers special materials to help children of all ages.
Homebound Books By Mail
Homebound Books by Mail provides books and other materials to people in Washington County who cannot visit one of our libraries due to a temporary or long-term medical or physical disability.
Contact our Outreach Coordinator, Pattie Morrell-Lamie, at 276-676-6236 for more information.