Abingdon library is closed for renovations.

Locations & Hours


Temporarily closed for renovations.


MON closed
TUE 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
WED 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
THU 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
FRI 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
SAT 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
SUN closed

Glade Spring

MON closed
TUE 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
WED 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
THU 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
FRI 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
SAT 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
SUN closed

Hayters Gap

MON closed
TUE 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
WED 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
THU 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
FRI 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
SAT 9 a.m. -5 p.m.
SUN closed


MON closed
TUE 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
WED 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
THU 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
FRI 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
SAT 9 a.m. -5 p.m.
SUN closed

Meeting Room Policy

1.7 Meeting Rooms

The Library welcomes the use of its public spaces for community activities where members can gather, meet, and discuss in a safe and inviting environment.

Meeting rooms are available at the Abingdon, Damascus, and Glade Spring library.

In accordance with the Library Bill of Rights, the Library makes its premises available on equal terms to all persons, regardless of their race, sex, color, age, beliefs or affiliations.  Library permission for a group to use a meeting room does not constitute an endorsement of the group.

The Library reserves the right to revoke permission for the use of any meeting space.

1.7.1 Availability/Priorities

Use of meeting rooms is normally limited to groups within the Library’s service area.

The Library defines a group as four (4) or more individuals.

Meeting rooms are not available for commercial purposes, fundraising, or sale of items. No products may be sold nor companies or their products endorsed. Exceptions are:

(a) Programs or sales conducted by the Friends of the Library of which the proceeds or a percent thereof will go to the direct benefit of the Library. Example: used book sales and the sale of books in conjunction with an author’s program.

(b) Sale of material directly related to Library sponsored programs that have had prior approval of the Library Director.

Use of meeting rooms for private social events is not permitted.

Meeting rooms are available for use during those hours the Library is open.

Meeting rooms are not available when, in the judgment of the Library Director, disorder is likely to occur.

1.7.2 Responsibility

Groups must use the meeting rooms for the purpose stated on the application.

All meetings, programs, and exhibits shall be open to the general public.

Adults over the age of 18 are able to complete an application/reservation request. The person signing the application accepts full responsibility for any infraction of Library policy and/or any damage to Library property incurred during or in connection with the meeting.

Groups must abide by occupancy limits, Library policy, and all local, state, and federal laws.

Use of meeting rooms may not disrupt the normal use of the Library by others.

The Library will provide equitable access to and use of such library-owned equipment and supplies as are available for use by the public.

There will be no fee for the use of meeting rooms, but a contribution to the Library, the Friends of the Library, or the Library Foundation will be accepted.

Groups may not charge an admission fee, nor may a collection be taken. The only exceptions are in the case of paid registration at conferences or institutes held in cooperation with the library or payment of fees for regularly scheduled education courses for which permission may be obtained from the Library Board of Trustees. No products may be sold.

Neither the name nor address of the Library may be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization.

All publicity must carry the name of the organization sponsoring the meeting. The Library may not be identified as a sponsor. No program in the Library may be broadcast without permission of the Library Director.

The group using the room is responsible for setting it up, cleaning and removing all trash, and returning the room to its previous condition. The group must pay for any damage to the premises or equipment as a result of group use.

Light refreshment may be served with permission. The intention to serve food must be indicated on the application.

It is the responsibility of the group to operate provided audio visual equipment. As a courtesy, Library staff will provide an introductory session on how to operate equipment. This session must be arranged prior to any meeting or event.

Groups must adhere to the Washington County Public Library Code of Conduct which does not permit the following: disorderly, disruptive or threatening behavior; weapons, except as permitted by law, or exhibiting any item in a threatening manner; soliciting, illegal substances; alcoholic beverages; smoking; or any illegal act or conduct in violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance or regulation.

Adults must supervise children at all times.

The key to the meeting room must be picked up in the Library and returned as designated on the application.

During adverse weather conditions, groups should check the Library’s web site for closing information. All reservations scheduled during the closed times at any library are cancelled. In other emergencies, all efforts will be made to notify organizations scheduled to use the meeting rooms.

The Library Director may implement the foregoing policy with procedures as required.

Any individual or organization not complying with this policy may be denied the use of the Library meeting rooms in the future. In the case of any disputes over use of meeting rooms, the Library Board will be the final authority in granting or refusing permission for use of the meeting room facility.

The Library Director, upon written request, will consider exceptions to this policy.

1.7.3 Reservations

Applications/Reservation forms are available at the library.

Groups wishing to use any library meeting room on an on-going basis must register each year by January 1 of each year.

The Library reserves the right to revoke permission to use meeting rooms if needed for Library purposes. If possible, at least 24 hour notice is given to the group if their reservation must be canceled.

First consideration for reservations will be given to the requirements of the Washington County Public Library. Second priority will be given to the Friends of the Library, the Library Foundation, and the local governments of Washington County. After their needs are met, reservations from others will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

An application/reservation form, signed by an authorized representative of the group, must be submitted to the Library at least one week in advance for use of any meeting room. These forms may be picked up at any library location.

The Library Director, or his/her designee, will review the application, determine approval or rejection, confirm the availability of the room, and arrange for requested equipment.

1.7.4 Damages and Indemnification

Organizations and/or individuals using meeting rooms shall be liable for all damages, expense and loss, including theft and property loss, caused by any person who attends, participates in, or provides good and services connected with the organization’s or individual’s use of the facility and all tangible property.  Replacement value may be used by the Library to determine the charge for damages.

Organizations and/or individuals using meeting rooms shall indemnify and hold harmless Washington County Public Library and its agents, representatives, and employees from and against all losses, damages, claims, costs and expenses arising from injury or death of any person(s), or damage to property resulting from any act or omission of such users or their employees, agents, representatives, guests, invitees, or the general public to the extent that such losses, damages, claims, costs, and expense arise in connection with or relate to the organization’s or individual’s use of the facility.

1.7.5 Study Rooms

Study rooms are to be used for tutoring, individual, or small group meetings of no more than four (4) individuals.

Study rooms are not to be used for commercial purposes as outlined in section 1.7.1.

A study room reservation is required for use. To reserve a study room, sign up daily at a library service desk. Sign up is for one (1), two-hour session on a first-come, first-served basis on the current day.

Study rooms may be not be reserved in advance by individuals or groups. Exceptions on advanced reservations can be made at the discretion of the public services librarian or their designee.

Exceptions on time limit of two (2) hours may be extended for one (1) additional hour at the discretion of public services staff.

A select number of study rooms at the Abingdon library will be reserved exclusively for K-12 students during afterschool hours and school breaks.

Doors must remain unlocked and lights must remain on during occupancy.

Terms of use are governed by the Library’s Code of Conduct Policy (Public Service Policy 1.2).

APPROVED BY THE WASHINGTON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON:   October 29, 2002; Revised: October 23, 2012; Revised: December 3, 2019; Revised  January 28, 2020; Revised November 28, 2023.

© 2025 Washington County Public Library System. All rights reserved.